The Killer

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if the console wanna lose money, then the best way to do it is by making cloud consoles!!

because the only countries that will have the technology to support the could gaming would be very few i.e. USA, UK, France, Spain, Japan and very few other countries!!

what about the rest of the world? so i think we might not see cloud console until the next 20 years!

5109d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
5261d ago

and gamers r addicted to gaming just like drugs!!

gaming is created to suck the minds of the youth and make them stupid people!!

how many gamers spend time on gaming per day? and couldn't that time be used to educate them selves or do better activities??

i know now many will start to hate on me, but thats the truth!! even i am a little bit addicted to this disease called Call Of Duty 4.

its too hard to leave gaming if u r in it, just like sm...

5265d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

"At least Atheists don't impose their will on everyone and don't try to make their opinions into law. "

very wrong assumption, the Atheist(some/many) do impose their beliefs (of the non existence of God) on others and spend billions to do mass mind control through media/music/movies/cartoons etc, the fact that France (atheist country) is banning few muslim women to cover their face is an action of imposing their belief, in Switzerland they banned building towers on the ...

5280d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

the reason is simple and it has been shown before, if u didnt see either u r blind or not informed!! FF13 is almost identical on both systems yet ps3 can do much better, the reason why they will downgrade ps3 version and not PC is because ps3 and 360 r rival consoles, and if one is vastly superior then the other version then the sales of the inferior version will be hurt, and MS will fork out more money or do something to be sure both version r on par. there is big and few players behind the ...

5283d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment
5284d ago
5284d ago
5284d ago
5284d ago

i didnt know i would see an american who will speak like u did!!

i got used to see americans act like brain washed sheeps and ignorant and cold heart people that have peanut in their heads!!

keep up the good spirit and spread your knowledge among others yet to be awaken if ever!!

5284d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment
5284d ago


any way he is payed to get attention!! and he get it!! so he is successful in his job even if he talks from his ars!!!

and many people r stupid enough to even bother to read what he says!!

he is a liar, and he dont know the future and he dont know if Natal will sell millions or just 1 million or half a million!! only God knows!! and if he claims that he knows then he is a devil worshiper and should be dealt in that way!!

and anyone...

5285d ago 13 agree14 disagreeView comment

u r naive!!

the bubble system is in the hand of the admin, they r the ones who decide how many bubbles a user can have!! because i tried before to get 20+ bubbles from friends every weak for 3 months but i didnt get any extra bubble!! and on the other hand when ever i say something which might not be the best for the admins and their beliefs and bias opinions then i lose 1-2 bubbles in few hours!!

so it is not the users who took ur bubble rather the admins!!

5285d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

there is scientific proof of God and of Islam that is from God!!

Islam is the only religion in the world which can make such claim and there is a back up to my statement!!

and islam is the only religion that is remained and changed and corrupted by the people because it is the last message from God so Gos protected it unlike Bible or Torah and Ibrahim book.

now the question is, do u need a reason/proof to believe in God and to be a muslim or u wanna live...

5285d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

how people still buy 360 over PS3 is beyond me!!

how people(like u) still fanboys of zionist crap product is beyond me!!

i guess the world full of beyond things!! maybe we should start to see what is actually beyond the things before we judge!!

5290d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

BFBC2 is more like for the average shooters, while MAG is for pure hardcore!!

i think it is more fun to play MAG in the long run than BFBC2!!

over all, it depends what u expect from a shooter, if u need the quick kills and fun go for BFBC2 if u want pure fun and tactics with Mics and do some planning and use the brain in ur head in order to win the battle go fro MAG

5291d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Next IBIS Capital Could Be The Last, says The Killer

5291d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i thought that the publishers pay them huge salaries every month for the purpose to make quality games??

i just want to know, how much ninja theory got from salaries over the period they developed heavenly sword? and how can they lose money if they r not the ones who is publishing it?

does developers pay from their pockets for the game they make when there is publishers who are paying them? i mean how much money these people want? is everything about money these days...

5291d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the world is becoming too dirty!!

prophet mohamed peace be upon him said that one of the minor signs of judgment day is when lust is everywhere!! and when women copies men and men copies women!! also when men and women will have s@x in public just like donkeys!!

for almost complete list of the minor signs of judgment day which was predicted more than 1400 years ago watch this: h...

so basically if u buy Natal then u r directly supporting a terrorist state and the zionist!!!

how so like MS doing such things!! now u believe me why i say MS is a zionist tool??

free your mind from the prison the zionist put almost on half of the humanity:

MS is evil, zionist, money vampire, greedy and have crap products!! thats why i will never ...

5292d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment